The secrets of the Barba Group's transformation

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Seafood: the Barba Group's processing secrets

In the fascinating world of seafood, the Barba Group stands out for its unique expertise in transformation and preparation. Our company has a certain influence in the industry, thanks to an extensive range of products, from tuna to swordfish to cephalopods. Our know-how enables us to guarantee the freshness and quality of our products, from sourcing to delivery.

Seafood: the Barba Group's processing secrets

The Barba Group's leading brands and products

Our diversified range meets the needs of our customers, always with top-quality products, available all year round.

MyaSashi and Sashitô: sashimi excellence

MyaSashi, our premium brand, is renowned for its top-of-the-range sashimi. To achieve this tasty, high-quality result, we carefully select our tuna, which are caught, gutted and eviscerated using the Ikejime method, then frozen at -60°C (-40°C for swordfish) directly on board ship. This technique guarantees firm, structured flesh, without skin or blood lines, ideal for eating raw or cooked.

Sashitô, our mid-range brand, offers natural sashimi all year round. These products, guaranteed GMO-free, non-ionized and without additives or colorants, also frozen on board at -60°C, will delight all gourmets.

Fish up and Pod up: the pickled range

Fish Up brings together our range of cured products. Whether for tuna or swordfish, this brand guarantees stable prices and quality all year round. Our products are 100% meat, with no wastage or vacuum exudate. The brine, enriched with natural ingredients, enhances the product's flavor and guarantees a firm, juicy texture.

Pod up, our exclusive range of cephalopods in brine, is available in 3 and 5 kg formats.Criée des saveurs : des produit de la mer pour le libre-service

Criée des Saveurs: seafood products for self-service

Criée des Saveurs offers ready-to-cook products in ultra-transparent, 100% recyclable packaging. This range includes Les Marinades, which energize the self-service seafood department with three references: Andalouse, Barbecue and Garlic & Fine Herbs, available in tuna or swordfish format. Our marinades, all “CLEAN LABEL”, delicately perfume the fish and subtly enhance its flavor.

Original recipes for a unique culinary experience. These recipes are carefully crafted to bring out the authentic flavors of seafood (tuna and swordfish), while offering quick and easy preparation.

Brined Cephalopods are squid, octopus and cuttlefish, which are marinated and brined to preserve their freshness and flavor.

The Barba Group's expertise in seafood processing

Expert preparation and cutting

We specialize in the preparation of a wide variety of seafood products, including tuna, swordfish and cephalopods. All our fish is prepared, cut and packed in-house, enabling us to handle large volumes. To meet the specific needs of each customer, cutting and preparation can also be tailor-made.

Just-in-time production

Our production takes place on the same day as the sale, enabling us to offer optimum flexibility and responsiveness. This just-in-time approach guarantees the freshness of our products, perfectly in line with current market expectations. We are also able to offer a wide choice of fresh Mediterranean and exotic products, depending on what's available and what's in season.

Commitment to quality and sustainable development

Since 2018, we have adopted an ambitious CSR approach aimed at transforming our business model. This approach integrates social, economic, societal and environmental actions into our strategy, guaranteeing the Group's sustainability.
We prioritize the well-being of our employees and constantly innovate for a sustainable future.

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